5 things to Do When Faced with Criticism
First of all… two things to note: Not everyone will like you or what you do, even if you have devoted your entire life to pleasing every individual you come in contact with. Also, you can’t always get things right at all times. You can reduce your error rate, but you can’t eliminate errors or wrong turns. Sometimes, you may not see the mistake until it is pointed out to you, or until its effects are materialised. The two realities show that you can’t run away from criticism. No, at least not in life as we know it. People will always look for, see or form loopholes in what you are doing, and we must not just know that, but keep it in mind. Criticism is good, expected, and even needed for growth, if you play your cards well. Nobody likes to be criticised against; even a career critic will cringe when he/she gets a taste of their own meal. But criticism will always come. How then can you handle it? Understand that you are not Perfect No one is, actually. We all hat...